Surrey Counselling Therapy In Surrey, BC Will Change Lives For The Better

By Olivia Cross

Registered Clinical Counsellors deal with numerous mental health disorders. A number of them require specialised training. Those who require Surrey Counselling Therapy In Surrey, BC can select one based on his or her experience in the requisite area of concern.

A first appointment will begin with a general discussion of the presenting problem. A series of questions will help to clarify it. After the evaluation a course of therapy is recommended. Major problems include clinical depression, anger control and panic attacks.

Victims of sexual abuse, eating disorders and bereavement are in need of therapy. Married couples who are in conflict with each other can benefit. Addictions are common. The addict must be able to admit to the problem before he can be helped.

By confirming that a therapist is a Registered Clinical Counsellor one can be sure he has the requisite education and experience. He is required to have acquired at least the Masters degree equivalent. He will have passed a criminal background check as well. For those living in the city of Surrey, BC this assures him of turning to a qualified professional for the needed help.

Therapists may specialise in one of several areas of concern. Diplomas are given to those who complete the courses. For example, to treat alcoholics he will hold an Addiction Worker Certificate. There are also a Diploma of Professional Counselling, and a Counselling for Intimacy in Relationships Certificate.

If a patient needs prescription medication only a psychiatrist is qualified to order it. He is trained first as a medical doctor. He then commits to training in psychiatry as his specialty.

Psychotherapy is provided by a psychologist. This type of counselling is sometimes referred to as talk therapy. There is a relationship of trust needed between the psychotherapist and patient. The patient is assisted in finding relief from psychological distress. Learning to use productive behavior will help the client to understand his problems and make decisions to improve the situation.

Severe mental disease occurs when a patient is no longer in touch with reality. He may hear voices or suspect that someone is following him. The paranoid individual will imagine that things have been moved around while he was away from home, for one example.

Another serious disorder is bipolar illness. It was formerly called manic depressive disorder. This can be controlled with medication in most cases. These individuals are able to live a relatively normal life as long as they continue to take the medication.

Couples counselling is done without medication. The couple will see a psychologist together and then be counselled separately. Often being advised to develop better communication skills is the first step to saving a marriage.

The teen years are often difficult at best. If there is drug abuse or drinking, it may develop into a serious situation. It can prevent success in school. It can disrupt his relationship with parents, siblings and teachers. Family therapy may be in order.

Anyone can benefit from grief counselling after a death in the family. A violent crime may leave the victim with damage that lasts a lifetime. All the client can do is learn ways to cope with the grief or fear.

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