What You Need To Know About True Love Tests?

By Mattie Knight

Love has been around for thousands of years and although most people associate the word with the romantic meaning, it applies to various relationships in life. It applies to loving your parents, your children, your spouse or partner and even your pet. Different people express it in different ways, ultimately it is meant to fill you with good and warm feelings. There are many people that may say that love you, however, the phrases actions speaks louder than words, does hold a lot of truth to it and there are many true love tests out there.

People who hail from all background and walks of life are entitled to this gift. It has nothing to do with age, race, sex or social and economic background. If you are a human being and you have breath in your body, then you will yearn for this gift as it is what makes people human and they way that God created us.

Love is something that fills your heart with warm feelings and thoughts. It is more than just an emotion as it directly affects the way in which you live your life and treat others around you. If you felt this emotion for someone, you would be inclined to treat them pleasantly and passionately as apposed to if you felt nothing for that person then you would not use your emotions when dealing with them.

This gift can be found anywhere in life. It is often what 2 people find when they meet and get to know each other. It is also what you feel when you get married an definitely a feeling that is experienced when you hold your child in your hands for the first time. It can be found anywhere in the world or right there under the same home roof that you live in.

This gift is experienced when a parent looks at a child or newborn baby of the very first time. When a husband looks at his wife while saying their marriage vows and when an elderly parents experiences their grown child achieving greatness, this gift is relived.

People need love to survive. Although there are people who live with out it, they are the exception and most normal people need it to thrive and live long and happy lives. It is what makes people human and sets them apart from animals. It helps you to enjoy life, when you have this gift in your heart and those who don't have it have much less joy if any than those who do have it.

Some people out there may be looking to exploit you. They do this by convincing you that they love you. However, you should know that if someone says this, they must Be willing to show it in actions and deeds as well, not just by word or mouth and if they do sincere and selfless things you may be inclined to believe them.

So if you long to know what this gift feels like, go ahead and avail yourself to learn all about it. It is that good and fuzzy feeling you get when a loved one hugs you. It is that feeling you get when you look at your child for the first time and its definitely that feeling that you have when you are saying your marriage vows.

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