The Greatest Enemy Of Dreams

By Evan Sanders

"The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt." Sylvia Plath

When we start to question ourselves, our entire world starts to fall apart. That's a pretty powerful statement, but if we truly dive into the after effects of what happens when doubt crawls into our lives, it really does occur.

If we take it a step further, when we actually do start to get close to achieving our dreams and head out onto the play field where there is much more competition, and hesitation and doubt will cause you to land flat on your but.

Dreams are going to take everything you've got. Dreams are going to demand your attention, your care, your time, your patience and everything else in the book. They are going to need you to be on top of your game every single day and take no days off. When you decide to slack on your dreams, you really have no idea how long you've set yourself back.

When you overhear someone talking about their dreams and what's possible for them you can get the sense that they really do believe it's going to happen. Of course they don't have all the kinks figured out and know exactly what the path is going to look like, but you can hear the possibility of it happening nonetheless.

Unfortunately when you hear someone talking about their dreams who doesn't really believe that it's 100% possible for them to achieve them, you know deep down that they won't. It's not that you don't want to see them succeed but it's that you understand completely that the primary thing that causes dreams to grow is the water of belief.

Devote your life to what is possible for you. Devote your life to your dreams. Without your dreams, you are just functioning in a place of being comfortable. That's a nice place, but nothing really grows there.

Give it a go. Anything could happen.

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