Notes On Intellectual Disability Services And Their Availability

By Mattie Knight

Intellectual disability, intellectual development disorder (IDD) or general learning disability is a disorder in which the development of the brain is slowed down. Compared to normal people, with this disability tend to lag behind when learning new things or taking part in certain activities. Intellectual disability services in Portsmouth are aimed at rehabilitating and improving the living standards of people affected.

For a person to be diagnosed with intellectual disability, certain criterion is used according to the Diagnostics and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). First, individuals must be deficient in general mental capabilities. Secondly these individuals are usually unable to adapt to the social environment in terms of communication skills and so forth. These disorders should be observed in childhood. This serves as a distinction from other forms of brain function impairment such as dementia.

Intellectual disability may be syndromic or non syndromic based on presence or absence of related medical abnormalities respectively. Down syndrome is a common genetic disorder associated with syndromic disability. Presentation of IDD is usually behavioral, with memory, language development and social skills. These persons also have the challenge of keeping certain unacceptable behaviors in check, a term usually referred to as inhibition.

Causes of intellectual disability may be divided into genetic, nutritional, environmental, behavioral causes and others. The genetic disorders associated with IDD are Klinefelter and Downs syndrome. Environmental causes include exposure to toxins such as lead. Behavioral causes are those seen in expectant mothers who take alcohol. Sometimes, pregnant women infected with rubella may pass the infection to the fetus if not promptly treated causing brain impairment. Malnutrition is a common causative factor in the developing world. In a few cases, the cause is unknown.

There are a diverse number of organizations that provide services to persons with learning disorders. They range from nongovernmental, non profit making to those owned by the government and those that earn profit.the programs could be in form of a home with people employed to take care of those that need help. It may also be in form of a day school where children or adults attend following a particular schedule. Some systems are run as source of employment for people with disabilities.

From the individual, to the caretaker, the community and the medical team, a specific part to play is assigned to each as a contribution towards rehabilitation of persons with IDD. The contribution can be family based, behavioral, psycho social or a combination of the latter two. Psycho-social treatment is initiated early in life before the child enrolls for school as this is the ideal time for a good learning foundation. Children are taught basic skills with repeated rehearsals and celebrated upon achievement.

Behavioral treatment entails acquisition of social skills and language. Visual aids such as shapes and pictures are utilized under the leadership of a therapist. This not only equips the child with skills such smiling and following instructions but also communication and sharing. More technical stuff such as math can be introduced when psycho-social and behavioral treatments are combined.

In as much as medical treatment is not the mainstay of management of general learning disorders, they come in handy when complications arise. An example is in autistic children who sometimes may experience uncontrollable behavioral states. Mood stabilizers may be given but close monitoring for any adverse reactions should be done.

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