Tips For An Addiction Free Life

By Jason Moses

Being an addict is like living in a world where no one understands you and they all seem to be against you, all out to deny you the happy and care free feeling that comes from the drugs. It's a world where the addicts reality is warped and even in their sober moments when they know the harm they are doing to themselves they just seem unable to quit.

Part of the reason may be because of the chemical change that drugs will cause in the body and mind of the addict making them dependent on them and unable to function normally without taking them. A number of people become addicts because they misused a prescription medication and find themselves hooked with no way out while others are just looking for something to take the edge off but end up with more than they had bargained for.

Abuse of common prescription drugs is one very common way that leads to addiction. This is especially evident with drugs such as Oxycontin, that are narcotic pain relievers containing oxycodone. A lot of times they will be abused for the powerful high and euphoria that it induces.

Despite the fact that this drug is a prescription only medication people are able to obtain it using means such as forged prescriptions. What most people don't know is that you experience severe oxycodone withdrawal, which is painful and uncomfortable, when you stop taking it.

It is not all hopeless for people looking to be free from drugs or in rehabilitation programmes, they are some things they can do ensure they remain clean. They include:

1. Be honest with yourself

Being honest with yourself is a major step in overcoming substance abuse as it will put you in the right mindset to accept and be open to counsel given by through helping you through recovery.

2. Getting on a recovery program

Most people like to think of themselves as having sufficient strength to do it on their own, unfortunately with addiction this is not the case as you cannot get out without professional help. Joining a recovery program is one way of ensuring you are successful.

3. Going beyond sobriety

As you look to being sober and free from addiction you need to ensure that you identify the factors or conditions that got you addicted in the first place and then deal with them so that you do not end up in the same place again.

4. Amendments

Addiction takes a heavy personal toll on the person not only financially but also personally alienating friends and family. You need to make amends with these people to regain their love and trust once more.

5. Dealing with difficulty

Difficulty is one of the things that push people back into addiction and you therefore need to learn how to cope with the challenges and difficulties you may encounter along the way.

6. Value relationships

People are important and so are the relationships we have with them and it is important to appreciate the friends and family around us especially when no one else was there for you.

Though it is easy to dismiss these tips as obvious or simple and therefore think that they are of no help it is worth noting that at times complex problems find simple solutions that are often overlooked.

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