Dealing With The Fear of Driving

By Lotye Vaillancourt

Driving phobia is one of the most common yet debilitating phobias there is. People who suffer from it see their social life, career, general well being, and happiness take a massive downturn due to this affliction. Despite the awful effects of this phenomenon, many people neglect to do anything about it, resigning themselves to commuting by public transportation, avoiding activities which require driving, staying indoors more often than they would've like to, and more.

That is a real shame, because fear of driving phobia can be treated and indeed, it can be cured completely. Like most phobias, it's a mental state which doesn't have to be permanent. In fact, it's entirely up to the person who suffers from it to decide that he or she will get over their fear of driving a car. If you too suffer from this phobia, know that the answer lies within you. All you have to do is make a commitment to yourself.

Do not let the fear of driving control your life any longer. Do something about today so you can feel more confident while driving and have fun at the same time.I made a website to help people like YOU who have a fear of driving. Why would you want to live with a fear? If I were you I would do something to try and get over the fear. Trust me with my advice you WILL get over your fear of driving.Driving fears are far more common than you think. Having a fear of driving is dangerous because it causes you to think and act illogically on the road. It places you in harm's way and increases risks of encountering a vehicular accident. Despite these dangers, people who suffer from it fail to equip themselves with knowledge. So we're going to give you five reasons why you should learn about this fear other than the fact that it can help you get over fear of driving.

You are personally dealing with it. There's no better reason to learn more about driving fears. Gone are the days when people relied on their doctors to deal with whatever condition they have. We have moved on to a world where patients empower themselves with knowledge. In your case, knowing more about your fear of driving will help you beat it. Reading more about driving fears will also help you determine if that is what you truly have. It's possible that you have driving anxiety or phobia which exhibit similar symptoms but require different treatments. You can prevent symptoms from taking place or from worsening. That's because knowledge makes you self-aware and awareness enables you to determine whether you are experiencing fear. Upon noticing what you're going through, you can prevent your symptoms from escalating. Learning to control symptoms is also a critical step for anyone who wants to get over fear of driving.

Today, I have my own car, and while I still can't say I love driving, I drive everywhere I need to go without thinking about it too much, and I can drive freely on highways, interstates, all the places that once made me instantly panic.Hopefully, if your reading this and you also suffer from some sort of driving anxiety or fear, you will take from this article one thing - you'll never know until you try. I also thought I could never be able to drive myself freely, but it happened. And if you decide it's important enough, it will happen to you too.

Are you keeping your fear of driving a secret? You're not alone. Many people who share your fear often keep it a secret, afraid of being ridiculed for something that isn't normally heard of. Perhaps this is also the reason why no one from your friends and family know about it. It must be difficult to be surrounded by people who talk about driving as a normal part of their lives when the mere thought of it makes you feel uneasy. Then again, there's really nothing to be embarrassed about. You can talk your way out when getting over the fear of driving.

Talk to your family.Family members should be the first people you talk to when getting over the fear of driving. Start by telling them how long you've had this fear. If you haven't figured out what's keeping you from getting over the fear of driving, maybe they can help you find out what caused it in the first place. There usually is a traumatic experience behind every fear and it's important you find out about it. Were you involved in a car accident or did someone you love die because of it? Once your family finds out about what caused your fear, they can better help you deal with the past.

Luckily, there are treatment programs, information and even support groups available that offer help to those that want to get over their phobia of driving alone. With time, effort and patience, a person dealing with this problem will be able to successfully return back to their normal driving routine, whether there is someone in the car with them or not.

Believe it or not, there are different types of fear of driving. Not all people that deal with this condition experience it in the same way, nor are they scared of the same things. For those that have a fear of driving at night, their worries are not an issue until it comes time for the sun to go down. While some may think that being scared to drive at night is the lesser of two evils and less of a problem than being scared of driving overall, this version of driving phobia has a set of problems all its own.

Within the group, you are expected to share your struggles and you can expect the same from others. Older members can motivate you with stories of getting over the fear of driving and therapists would offer advice like a psychologist would. This community-driven environment is highly supportive and ideal for people who feel more comfortable with groups.

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