Generally There Is A Lot Of Neglected Popular Quotes

By Felice Greenidge

With social networking, we see many people using famous quotes in their updates and comments made throughout the Internet. What they fail to do is research their quote to confirm the origin, and to make sure they have not misquoted. This leads to many flame wars between individuals who will make a basic search, sometimes just to make fools of total strangers.

These days it seems there is an army of immature people on the Net, known as trolls, who go out of their way to criticize random posts and double-check them for accuracy. These people are notorious rude and bullying, and they can sometimes be difficult to ignore. Simply researching a quote before posting can help prevent embarrassment from a random troll.

Many quotations are simply quoted incorrectly, and some of these have been done wrong for so long people do not even realize it. A good example comes from the Wizard of Oz where what is attributed to the character Dorothy is not exactly what she said in the movie. These misquotes are frequently seen where one is quoting a book which states something slightly different than the movie.

People often will use words and phrases that were utilized by someone from the past, as sometimes these echoes express a thought better than they are able to. When statements made in years past are spoken again throughout the ages, they take on a mythic quality. Sometimes even if it is a misquote, the misquote somehow is more pertinent to life today than the original words spoken.

No more often does this occur than when people are quoting from philosophers, scientists, or other famous individuals from the ancient world. Some mistranslations occur simply because of linguistic differences, and something is changed in the translation. While there is no harm in such a misquote, the Trolls will still jump on it as soon as they see it.

Their behavior is generally simply bullying, and the only thing a person can do is ignore them. Over the years, many people have turned away from social networking or making commentary on the Internet in order to avoid these bullies. Trolls are usually pathetic individuals who have nothing better to do than go out of their way to humiliate and argue with strangers.

One thing that has begun to change, more and more sites on the Internet are attempting to require people to use their real names. The anonymity which has been such a part of the Net in the past is changing. This is going to make the constant trolling which has been going on a thing of the past.

As a good general practice, simply doing a minute of research before utilizing famous quotes in a comment or status update is just a good idea. As with any copyright, it is important to give credit to the person who made the original statement. Just to keep the trolls down, make sure to give credit to relate the quote correctly and give credit to the proper individual whether they are a modern author or an ancient philosopher.

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