How The Seth And Shakti Divine Partnership Studies Can Preserve Your Relationship

By Allyson Burke

The subject matter of seth and shakti divine partnership studies is the relationship between a man and a woman. You know that in order for the relationship to survive, it must be nurtured. This is what is taught in this study.

The man and the woman are taught on what to do to take good care of the relationship regardless if this is a marriage or just plain friendship. The needs of man and woman are determined. One of the reasons why certain relationships do not survive is because most of the time the needs of the other is not served.

There are relationships in which the other is just sucking the power of the other. The relationship of man and a woman is supposed to be symbiotic, not parasitic. This is not very hard to dissect. In a symbiotic relationship, the two persons are helping each other grown. One is not dragged down by the other. They uplift each other.

There is a risk of infidelity. They look for another person to satisfy these needs because they are met by their partners. It is very important for the persons involved in the relationship to know what the needs of the other are. Each must be sensitive of the needs of the other person.

This is true because people are growing individuals. Everyday there is something new and an opportunity to learn. People should not take nurturing a relationship as a burden. It should come naturally to people. But that not all people are like that. Not all have been blessed with a beautiful childhood.

You can learn so much from the experiences of these people. They can even recommend places and professionals who can help you learn the techniques. There are people who have a hard time building a relationship with others especially of the relationship of the opposite sex. There are many reasons and causes for this.

You know deep inside you that something is wrong. However if you are confident at the foundation of your relationship and the way you make each feel secure, then you will not be as paranoid as you are. You know that what you are giving to your partner or lover is enough to shield him through carnal temptations.

The key is in the understanding and providing the needs of each other. In order to provide, the partners must know and learn about these needs. You cannot possibly provide these needs without knowing them and understanding them. Understanding is very important.

These are one of the needs in a relationship that will be tackled during the discussion. It is nice to undergo in this kind of study. If you have difficulty maintaining relationship with other people, then this seth and Shakti divine partnership studies can be good for you.

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