Understanding Your Past

By Evan Sanders

When you really begin to take care of yourself and look back on your past with gentler eyes, you see that everything happened for a reason and all things pan out just the way they are supposed to.

You see grand transformations and the adventures of the past.

When you use your past as something that you can learn from instead of something you need to beat yourself up over, you are completely open and ready to take on any new experiences that may come your way.

You live in possibility.

And when you live in possibility, anything can happen. You can experience all that life has to offer instead of being afraid of what actually might happen to you.

In the end, this living in possibility allows you to accept yourself for who you are and decide that you are going to head on a different path than everyone else. You can be proud of who you are and accept the path that is coming ahead.

Our magic is in what we create with the gifts we have been given. If we live in possibility, there are literally no bounds to what we are capable of.

There's something to be said here about trust as well. I've been asking myself the question of what trust really means to me a lot lately and I've been discovering where my definitions really exist. It's hard to trust in something when you can't see it...but I think it makes it even more valuable when you can really trust in those same things you cannot see.

If you can trust in the process of life, everything is possible for you. But you have to listen to those deep whispers in your ear and the feelings residing within your gut. They are not accidents but rather signals trying to tell you which way to go.

Show up to the party of life. It's amazing inside.

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