What One Should Have In Brainfood Diet

By Debra Clark

The brain is at the center of human health. It controls every single bodily movement. One can only move from one place to another if it facilitates balance and coordination. Eyesight, hearing, rationalizing, thinking and even sex are facilitated by the human brain. Thus, when it is healthy, a person is healthy. When it dies, that is the end of an individual. Brainfood diet will take brain health to a completely new level. Thus, it will lead to a better quality of life. On top of eating right, one should properly dehydrate his body.

The brain communicates every second of the day. It sends messages to all the areas of the body through neurotransmitters. This is what keeps a person alive. Neurotransmitters are just amino acids, which are components of proteins. Thus, a diet that is rich in proteins will help the brain. One can obtain proteins from animal and plant sources. White meat is the best.

The human body is dependent on vitamins. These strengthen the immune system leading to better defenses against diseases. Vitamins fight inflammation and the action of free radicals. These two are the leading causes of diseases. Some types of vitamins are very helpful to the different sections of the human brain. The brain needs plenty of vitamin B16, B12 and B9.

There are many plant and animal sources of vitamins. When it comes to this nutrient, plant sources are the best as opposed to the case with proteins. Dark green vegetables are loaded with beneficial vitamins. They also have an array of minerals that are good for the brain. Blueberry is a fruit that is a super food that boosts brainpower.

Humans have indulged in fish since time immemorial. There are many types of fish. Most of them are beneficial to the human brain. Salmon is particularly helpful to the brain of developing children. Nile perch, tilapia and the other fish varieties are loaded with omega three acids. This lipid is a crucial part of the human brain. It affects brain functionality.

Having a sharp memory is something desirable. It will make one to excel in studies and to be a better human. Many people will love a person who always remembers faces and names. Memorizing ability makes life better. If one has a poor memory, one can improve it through having a diet that is rich in beneficial foods like broccoli.

Coconut oil has brain benefits. This oil is rich in almost every important nutrient class ranging from proteins to minerals. Therefore, a daily dose of coconut oil will not only help the brain but will also improve the state of the heart and other organs. One can use this oil in different ways. Some people usually take it raw.

Food is medicine. It heals the brain and unlocks better brainpower. A person is what he eats. If one eats healthily, he will be healthy and strong. However, if indulging in fast foods is the order of the day, a person will severely affect his brain and heart health. These are the two most important organs in the body. One should use fresh produce and supplements.

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