The Best Sources Of Omega 3 Acids

By Jason Cooper

Eating is crucial to human health. Some people eat to live while others live to eat. Irrespective of the eating philosophy of an individual, one should find the best sources of omega 3. There are certain foods that will supply the body with this kind of nutrient. There is need for daily intake of foods that contain this crucial element. The most important thing is to indulge in a diet that has all the important nutrients such as vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates. On top of eating right, one should also exercise on a regular basis.

Most diseases are caused by inflammation of cells. The best way to prevent cells from being inflamed is to have a diet that has omega three foods. These will also help in fighting free radicals that are responsible for causing acne, aging and other undesirable skin conditions. Intake of this element on a regular basis will boost hormone production and facilitate proper mood regulation.

There are animal and plant sources. Generally, animal products tend to be more nutritious but some of them have bad cholesterol. To be on the safe side, one should stick to white meat. This type of meat is friendly to the heart since it is free of all undesirable fat. Milk and eggs will also help. The egg yolk is loaded with diverse nutrients.

Nuts and seeds are also highly beneficial. The good thing about them is that they are available at affordable prices. One can choose to consume ground nuts in between meals. On the other hand, seeds can be used for cooking different types of foods. Before one eats a nut, it needs to be prepared in a special way. Nuts are healthy.

Fish is loaded with plenty of omega three fatty acids. There are varied kinds of fish. Each of them has a unique appearance, smell and taste. Basically, there are fishes harvested from shallow waters such as rivers and lakes and those harvested from the deep sections of the sea. Fish is low in cholesterol. This makes it heart friendly.

The most beneficial type of fish that is rich in this type of fatty acid is salmon. This is mainly harvested from Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It is also found in rivers and lakes all over the world. One can prepare salmon in a number of ways. There is need to use a healthy food preparation method so that to preserve nutrients.

Omega three can also be obtained from cod liver oil. This is especially recommended for young children because it helps in the development of the brain. One should purchase this oil from a reputable outlet. There is need to check out the expiry date. A spoon of cod liver oil every day will greatly boost the health of an individual.

The body needs omega 3 foods just as it needs other types of foods. These foods serve vital roles. First, they enhance cardiovascular health. The heart is the most important organ in the body. It supplies blood to all organs. This nutrient will also enhance the brain leading to better memorization and improved well being. Children as well as adults need these acids.

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