Contributions Of Prayer For Healing In Your Life

By Kenneth Williams

Not all people believes in miracle nor with the presence of God. It is not that surprising. After they have witnessed the pain and suffering from this world, no one surely wants to defend their faith to a being that they had not seen nor touch. However with the life that you breathe and the majestic of the nature that surrounds you, you surely cannot say that science made them all.

No logical reason can explain why but just the word of love. Building trust is hard however God will show you the way. He is a good teacher. In fact, all your troubles are part of the challenge. If you want a place to go for all your suffering, you may join a prayer for healing to cure your physical and emotional pain.

This is just a matter of perspective. You can even perform it yourself if you contained an unwavering faith. When you noticed that the Creator is just your side, that is the time that you experienced true happiness. There will be positive changes that will take place. Here are few of those.

Peaceful leaving. Forget about deadlines. Forget about all your treasure. God will provide it on your behalf. In fact, the blessing you have today and yesterday are all from Him. That is why all you need to do is performed the best that you can. Asks and you will be given. That is how great His love to His own people.

Wisdom. Wisdom is not about getting the highest grades nor getting the most of the richest. Most importantly, this is not all about status and sociability. It is the correct way of using knowledge. Along with your power, there might be the times that you are blinded to the truth and hear your own voice. However along with union of the Lord, you realize that every person has its own strength and weaknesses. Therefore you must not be proud nor developed an inferiority complex.

Life value. Once you had known things from its bigger picture, you realized the urged to have goal and direction. These desires are not only towards yourself but to those people surrounds you. The true reality is not about getting starve nor beat up with the challenges in the word. However, this is all about how you get stronger while laughing with the people you care the most.

Assurance. God will never abandon those people that trust Him. He will call out for you if you are one of His sheep. In fact that urgency is even twice stronger to those sinners. Hence, there is nothing to be afraid off. Once you realized your sins and change, you can assure a better future. Not even death can scare you.

Meaning. All of the things you earned does not belong to you. They are blessings given by Him. Hence, it is not your place to complain nor curse. This is just simple a borrowed things meant to be taken. The question now is how to make it useful while it still under your care. The biggest of the deed is count how little resources you have.

Humans have different reasons to fear death. However when you know your path after this earthly lives, surely, there is nothing to be afraid of. After all, you knew that a world of peace and joy is waiting for you.

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