Basic Facts About Hypnotherapy Washington DC Dwellers Need To Know

By Deanne Shepard

Hypnotherapy is a form of treatment that is rooted in two other methods, hypnosis and psychotherapy. It involves helping a patient to regain consciousness through focused concentration, close attention and planned relation. The hypnotic state allows a person to ignore the other things in favor of concentrating on just one thing. Notionally, hypnosis is a natural occurrence, but for a good hypnotherapy Washington DC dwellers should consult a professional.

Therapists argue that a hypnotized person is characterized with some unusual propensities and traits like responsiveness and suggestibility. They also add that hypnosis creates some subconscious changes in a patient. These are displayed through new thoughts, behaviors, responses, thoughts, feelings, and attitudes.

People suffering from unconsciousness are likely to dwell on the past thoughts, bad memories and feelings is they are in hypnotic state. They often characterized with having a different opinion about other things. For example, they can ignore pains that are affecting their health.

There are two primary ways of administering hypnotherapy-analysis of the victim and suggestion therapy. Analytic hypnosis involves using a relaxed approach to explore the psychological causes of physical disorders or illnesses that a patient may be suffering from. This approach is appropriate for helping people overcome the dark past that may be hidden in their unconscious mind.

A therapist can then handle the stressful event after revealing it. Unlike analytic therapy, suggestion therapy uses only suggestions. The therapist makes a number of suggestions to the patient and asks about his or her opinions. For example, the therapist can ask him or her to drop some addictive behavior such as smoking cigarettes. Additionally, hypnotherapy can also be used to relieve pains.

Hypnotherapy has many benefits. For example, a person is more open to suggestions and discussions in a hypnotic state. This method can also improve the treatment for the following disorders; stress, anxiety, phobia and fear, depression loss and grief, post-stress anxiety and sleep disorder.

Besides relieving pain, hypnotherapy can also be used to control some addictive behaviors such as use of drugs, over eating and nail biting. The approach is also helpful to patients from poor management of crisis. Just like other therapies, hypnosis can also help people with severe symptoms.

Hypnotherapy should be used cautiously. It is not appropriate for people with psychotic problems such as delusions and hallucinations. Alcoholics and those using drugs are also exempted from this treatment method. The therapists hold that this approach should only be used for control of pain after evaluation by the doctor for any disorder that may require surgery or medical treatment.

There are other traditional methods of treatments such as psychiatric medication that can be used to substitute hypnosis. Some therapists have often used hypnosis to retrieve repressed memories, but it can also cause memory lapses if not used in the correct manner. As such the use of this treatment method for retrieving repressed memory is still riddled with controversies.

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