Identifying Stress Triggers And Coming Up With The Right Coping Mechanisms Via Professional Counseling

By Mary Turner

Experiencing a small amount of stress can provide the motivation one needs in order to overcome a challenge or roadblock. However, excessive stress can be detrimental to a person's physical and mental well-being. If it's apparent that an individual is already being affected negatively in all kinds of ways, it is a good idea for him or her to seek professional counseling in order to identify various stress triggers. Also, it's a step vital for the formulation of strategies for coping and fending off further complications.

There are many different things in life that can cause stress. Some of the most common ones include family matters, work-related concerns and financial problems. It's important to note that something that's extremely stressful for one person may not that be that stressful for another. Needless to say, it is a case to case basis.

Many people assume that stress can only stem from negative or unfavorable life moments. If truth be told, even positive events can lead to stress. Some examples are getting married or moving to a new city for a greener pasture. More often than not, anything that entails change can be considered as stressful. The same is true for an incident that completely keeps a person from having control over it.

The problem with excessive stress is it can affect an individual in various ways sooner or later. Commonly, the consequences can be detrimental to leading a healthy and productive life. For instance, it's not unlikely for the person to suffer from anxiety or depression. He or she may have a considerably reduced self-esteem. Getting a good night's sleep may be an issue as well, and it's something that can easily make matters worse.

All kinds of physical sensations may be encountered if you have too much stress. For instance, you may complain to your doctor about stomach problems, heart palpitations, chest pain, shortness of breath, headaches, nausea and dizziness. With these various symptoms around, you may have a difficult time having a smooth-sailing day. Such can lead to more stress, which can then lead to more unfavorable physical sensations.

If you fail to cope with stress appropriately, it's not unlikely for you to wake up one day suffering from various health problems. Being stressed all the time can lead to hypertension. Also known as high blood pressure, it's a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. You may wind up with diabetes, too, and such can be blamed on the fact that being stressed all the time can cause insulin resistance.

So many people end up dealing with stress in manners that are considered as unfavorable. As an example, a lot of them wind up as smokers and alcoholics. Others resort to the use of controlled substances in order for them to momentarily obtain escape from stressful situations. Some opt for unhealthy eating that can pave the way for obesity and numerous other health problems with serious complications.

Getting the help of a professional is one of the smartest steps that one may take. With the help of an expert, various stress triggers can be identified. More importantly, it can allow the individual to look for ways to cope without putting his or her health, relationships and career in danger.

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