Womens Spiritual Support Groups For Different Needs

By John Kelly

Every woman often goes through a difficult time in life. Whether losing a loved one, a relationship or dealing with abuse, women often need the support of others. In some cases, this can be friends and family. Whereas, in others, Womens Spiritual Support Groups might be a better option.

Most often, those of a spiritual nature are part of a church or larger spiritual community. Whereas, there are also a number of secular support groups related to a number of issues. In most cases, these focus on issues with regards to lifestyle rather than a spiritual crisis or spiritual needs.

When dealing with questions related to God, grief and loss, it is often best to turn to a spiritual group. Whereas, when dealing with issues related to lifestyle, abuse, anger, domestic violence, rape or other issues, a secular group which focuses on the specific interest can often be of more help. One reason this is the case, is that the group is usually made up of women going through the same or similar circumstance.

While this is the case, isolation often opens doors to those whom are seeking out vulnerable individuals. As such, it is important even when undergoing isolation to stay alert and aware. Otherwise, individuals are likely to take advantage of the situation for personal gain. Women dealing with co-dependency issues are often more vulnerable to these actions than others.

Women whom have been living in the heterosexual world who later come out as lesbian or bisexual are often easy targets for verbal abuse. For example, when walking down the street after coming out and someone calls the individual names, this is actually a crime. As such, it is important the individual notify authorities as soon as possible.

While bisexual women are often labeled as having heterosexual privilege when dating or living with female partners, the discrimination is no different than when a lesbian couple is involved. Married bisexual women are often one of the most discriminated against groups in the LGBTQ+ community. As such, there are also a number Married Bisexual Women groups offering support around the world.

In order to provide a safe space for these individuals, there are often a number of LGBTQ+ support groups around the country. In one case, Biversity Boston offers a group called BiSpace. While this is a mixed group, there are also resources which are related only to women, including the Boston Bisexual Women's Newsletter which provides a great deal of support through articles, editorials, new stories and poetry each quarter.

Whether a woman is in a loving monogamous relationship or is polyamorous, the individual deserves to be treated with kindness and respect. Even when people disagree with a person's choice of lifestyle, that does not give one the right to demean and abuse others, whether physically or verbally. When this is the case, the individual can often find a support group related to hate-crimes and homophobia which can often be of assistance.

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