Many individuals who struggle with pain management could benefit if they knew the answer to the question, 'What is acupuncture?' This ancient Chinese method of energy stimulation is becoming more and more instrumental in helping western people with chronic problems that disrupt their lives and cause a great deal of suffering.
Acupressure is an even older method of healing that operates on the same theory of energy flow; it involves finger and hand pressure on specific points of the body. Instead of finger pressure, acupuncturists use needles to stimulate the 'pressure points', in order to release blockages in the energy flow. There are many of these pressure points and many meridians. The Chinese believe that the meridians should be carefully protected. For example, one meridian includes the ear lobe, so piercing the lobe is considered unwise.
Think of the chi as circulation and the blockages in the flow as 'kinks', and you will get the picture, even if it is vastly over-simplified. Although the West did not embrace this healing methodology early on, many are now enthusiastic over the possibilities for health and well-being. Clinics use this especially for chronic back pain that might not benefit from surgery, and for migraine headache relief.
Many general practices now have an acupuncturist on staff, as well as massage therapists trained in 'shiatsu', based on acupressure theory. Ailments that can call for medication and surgery often respond to the safer, less invasive, and much more affordable alternatives of energy stimulation. Relief is often instant, and gradual improvement leading to complete recovery is common.
As for side effects, there are none known with any of these treatments. People often experience an immediate release of pain, or they find definite but gradual improvement over a series of sessions. Emotional release is also common, which can help those with stress disorders, mental disorders, and depression. The insertion of the needles is painless; any discomfort felt at the actual moment of insertion does not continue while the needles are in place.
Modern researchers believe that neurotransmitters - the 'message carriers' of the nervous system - are released by skilled pressure, massage, or the insertion of needles. These neurotransmitters block the perception of pain. In addition, the increase in energy flow stimulates natural processes of the body to promote healing.
An enhanced release of endorphins is also part of the process, researchers believe. These 'feel-good' hormones increase a feeling of well-being and promote relaxation. People with mental illness and depression often respond well to energy work, and it has been found to be helpful in cases of autism. Drugs used to treat these problems can have unpleasant side effects and can be addictive. A regular session with an acupuncturist is a much more attractive alternative for many.
If you have been wondering 'what is acupuncture?', you can check online for more information. There is an American Association of Oriental Medicine website that can answer your questions. Completely safe and non-invasive, this healing art can bring rapid and long-lasting relief.
Acupressure is an even older method of healing that operates on the same theory of energy flow; it involves finger and hand pressure on specific points of the body. Instead of finger pressure, acupuncturists use needles to stimulate the 'pressure points', in order to release blockages in the energy flow. There are many of these pressure points and many meridians. The Chinese believe that the meridians should be carefully protected. For example, one meridian includes the ear lobe, so piercing the lobe is considered unwise.
Think of the chi as circulation and the blockages in the flow as 'kinks', and you will get the picture, even if it is vastly over-simplified. Although the West did not embrace this healing methodology early on, many are now enthusiastic over the possibilities for health and well-being. Clinics use this especially for chronic back pain that might not benefit from surgery, and for migraine headache relief.
Many general practices now have an acupuncturist on staff, as well as massage therapists trained in 'shiatsu', based on acupressure theory. Ailments that can call for medication and surgery often respond to the safer, less invasive, and much more affordable alternatives of energy stimulation. Relief is often instant, and gradual improvement leading to complete recovery is common.
As for side effects, there are none known with any of these treatments. People often experience an immediate release of pain, or they find definite but gradual improvement over a series of sessions. Emotional release is also common, which can help those with stress disorders, mental disorders, and depression. The insertion of the needles is painless; any discomfort felt at the actual moment of insertion does not continue while the needles are in place.
Modern researchers believe that neurotransmitters - the 'message carriers' of the nervous system - are released by skilled pressure, massage, or the insertion of needles. These neurotransmitters block the perception of pain. In addition, the increase in energy flow stimulates natural processes of the body to promote healing.
An enhanced release of endorphins is also part of the process, researchers believe. These 'feel-good' hormones increase a feeling of well-being and promote relaxation. People with mental illness and depression often respond well to energy work, and it has been found to be helpful in cases of autism. Drugs used to treat these problems can have unpleasant side effects and can be addictive. A regular session with an acupuncturist is a much more attractive alternative for many.
If you have been wondering 'what is acupuncture?', you can check online for more information. There is an American Association of Oriental Medicine website that can answer your questions. Completely safe and non-invasive, this healing art can bring rapid and long-lasting relief.
About the Author:
If you want information regarding a reliable acupuncturist in Nashville TN, visit the website provided here. You can read the honest Nashville acupuncture & herbs reviews by clicking on these links now.
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