How To Cure Test Anxiety - 3 Habits You Must Break To Cure Exam Panic!

By Gatha Cardoso Carvalho

What Is Test Anxiety?Test anxiety is the experience of feeling anxious, distracted, upset and overwhelmed in anticipation of an exam and the results that might occur. Just like most other types of anxiety, test anxiety stems from a panic type feeling that usually centers on the future and results from how you've chosen to think and focus over time.

Have you been in the same situation before or just recently? If you have, you might possess this common condition called test anxiety. With this state, you will feel a great deal of nervousness before taking a test. Getting a bit nervous prior to taking the test is normal. Feeling this way can help in boosting your performance for the test. But this normal feeling of nervousness becomes intense for those people who have test anxiety. They become extremely anxious preventing them from concentrating on their test thus lowering the standard of their performance.

Test Anxiety Defined.An alarming type of performance anxiety, test anxiety makes someone feel terribly pressured to perform well in a test. Butterflies in the stomach which eventually turns into a stomachache or tension worsened to a headache are among its effects. Some people may shake or sweat a lot. Others can hear their hearts beat really fast even before the test papers are distributed to them. The worst case of someone having this type of anxiety is the feeling of throwing up or passing out.

Bad Habit #2 Mind Bouncing.This means you're focusing on multiple things instead of staying focused on one thing for a single period of time. Bouncing around to different subject matter happens when you are panicking. It's like an increase of ADHD juice overwhelms you.To cure this tendency, you have to stop looking at the outcome as a whole. Section off your test in portions. Realize success comes from laying one brick at a time, even in tight scenarios. If you have a lot of study material, commit 20 minutes to one single section. After that session is over, reward yourself for not focusing elsewhere. Breaking material down is the key to cure mind bouncing!

Overcoming Test Anxiety.The upsetting results and effects of test anxiety are very much affecting and destroying the lives of those who suffer from it. Do not let such fear rule over you, instead take courage and trust in yourself that you will be a great conqueror. To help you in your battle over this anxiety, here are some tips especially for you.

What if you could turn anxiety on its ear, pass your driving test and come out smiling on the other side? Wouldn't that be a kick in the pants? It's actually easier than you think.Here's the top 10 ways to jettison your driving test anxiety and ace the test like an old pro,Acknowledge your anxiety: First up, it's OK if you're anxious about the driving test. Lots of people feel this way. Stop trying to not be anxious and just admit to yourself that you ARE. You need to remove your denial before you can find any solutions.

In layman's terms, here is what happens when we are in a state of fear. The fear causes the amygdala in your brain to send out the message that it is fight or flight time! Cortisol, a stress hormone, gets released in your body, digestion is disrupted, and your heart rate increases to deliver more blood to the muscles in preparation for fight or flight. Finally, and most importantly, the functioning of the prefrontal cortex is disrupted. The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain responsible for, among other things, decision-making and problem-solving. It is vital to test taking yet superfluous during flight or flight. Your subconscious mind which is in charge of this intricate system of survival does not know whether it is an actual or perceived threat. It just knows you fear and it responds accordingly. Overcoming anxiety is an important factor for doing well on the test.

Take a mock driver's test: Taking the test BEFORE you take the test is great way to get over your fear of it. And you can take the practice test as many times as you want.Give yourself positive feedback: Tell yourself things like, "You can do this. You're going to do great." It may feel corny, but affirming self-talk actually makes it more likely you'll succeed. Remember to be nice to yourself.

Assume that you'll be successful: How many millions of people have passed the driving test? Right. The odds are in your favour. You still need to prepare, but if Joe Schmoe can take the test and pass, so can you. Picture yourself passing. Do it several times before the test starts.

Can the subconscious mind be reached? Fortunately in the last 20 years there are new stress reduction techniques that can be highly effective with many issues including test anxiety. They are easily learned, have the ability to access the subconscious mind, and have been scientifically proven to be effective. Once learned the individual has a stress reduction tool he or she can use to self manage stress wherever it may appear in life.

Schedule it for first thing: Try to schedule your driving test first thing in the morning. That way you won't be dreading it all day. If you can't take it in the morning, stay busy with other things before the test to get your mind off it. Don't let yourself obsess.It's OK if you fail: Imagine, what's the worst that could happen if you do fail? You'd have to take it again, but with one real test under your belt as practice. Try to look at failure as an opportunity instead of a disaster. An earthquake is a disaster. Failing your driving test is an annoyance.Use the tips above and you will pass your driver's test with a minimum of driving test anxiety. Giving yourself adequate preparation time is the most crucial. Everything else is really just to help you relax. So prepare, relax, and you'll do great. You've got everything it takes. Just go in there and do it!

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