Wallace Wattle's The Science of Getting Rich - Review

By Megan R. Grayson

Wallace Wattles was born in the 1800s at a time when there was war going on in States. Wallace Wattles faced lot of hardships and also faced failures until in the latter parts of his life where he did experimentations and tireless study which he implemented in his book "The Science of Getting Rich." The book is more of a practical manual than being pragmatical or philosophical. It is a book which is useful for both men and women, who are looking forward to reach their goal and earn money.

Wattles became involved with New Thought speakers of the 1890's in Chicago, including Emma Curtis Hopkins and William Walker Atkinson, both of whom were prolific writers. He is known to have studied the works of Georg Hegel and Ralph Waldo Emerson and recommends them with other philosophers to his readers. His involvement with Hopkins, Atkinson, and others in the 1890's led him to start writing books and articles in which he shared the philosophy he had adopted.

However, there is only one downside of this book which is, it is a "psycho babble" from various aspects and this is not appealing to some readers. If you go through "The Science of Getting Rich" book, you will find that there is no exercise that will tell you on how to become rich or what sorts of investments you should do to get rich. The book explains that to get rich you have to go about your daily business and at the same time organize your day to day affairs in such a way that money can flow in. The chapter that was particularly appealing to me was the one on gratitude. Wallace in this chapter mentions that he is a firm believer in being grateful before acquiring wealth.

If you ask me to rate this book, I will give it a solid 5 because it is appealing and readable. It is also very true in its subject matter and one should have tons faith while going through this book.

The Science of Getting Rich - now here's a book that really hits the nail on the head. How many books have you read that claim to be able to make you rich but in the end all you get is lame old clichs like 'work hard' or 'early bird gets the worm' and stuff that you could see for free on plaques in offices? Not this book. True to its name, The Science of Getting Rich takes a scientific and practical look at the desire that every human being inherently has, even if he or she lives in denial. The book begins with an eye-opening lecture that tells us that there is nothing shallow or superficial about the desire to get rich.

Despite his efforts, however, Wattles remained obscure. His obscurity stands in contrast to the fame of his best known work, The Science of Getting Rich, which became a classic volume in the self-help literature, and it is considered as one of the greatest books on wealth and abundance, ranking with Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, Charles Haanel's The Master Key System, and James Allen's As a Man Thinketh.Rhonda Byrne, the creator of the movie The Secret and the author of the book by the same name, credits The Science of Getting Rich with being her main inspiration for the movie and the book. Anyone interested in the Law of Attraction or the building of wealth and abundance should include The Science of Getting Rich in their reading and then seriously consider applying the lessons Wattles provides.

The main premise of The Science of Getting Rich is that there is a certain way of doing things. Rich people are rich because they are doing things a certain way, following certain unbreakable rules. There are indeed some unbreakable rules that all must abide by and these rules have withstood the test of time and practicality and if followed to the letter, they can make anyone rich. The author, Wallace D. Wattles talks about the importance of practical thinking.

The Science of Getting Rich is a book that will mold your thinking and infuse your mind with the thoughts that you need to think in order to gain riches. Moreover, as the book tells us, it is a positive feedback process wherein if you get riches then getting more riches becomes easier than it was the first time you acquired those riches because now you can live a fuller more complete life.You can become a success in any business. But when it comes to being in the right business, a person would do best in a business that they like. When you enjoy what you do it is a joy to do it. If you have already developed talents and abilities for a particular business, then it may be to you advantage to work that business as you look for new opportunities. Don't neglect where you are right now, there may be many un-tapped opportunities you have overlooked.

This book might change and improve your life, or it might not. Changing and improving your life is completely up to you, and you alone. It doesn't matter if you grew up learning and using these principles or not. You are here now, with this book in your hands. When reading Wattles' book you will need to look past all the media hype that has grown around his book. Look past all the get-rich-quick schemes, books, and programs you can see and buy on the internet that involve this book. You will not magically become financially wealthy after reading this book. This book is not about magic. It is about making smart choices and understanding what success is all about - and about where success comes from and how to create it for yourself.Just sit down and read the book with an open mind.

Another tool I have used to see things I would otherwise not see is photos. Take a series of pictures where you work or spend most of your time. Do you see things in those still photos that you don't see while you are walking through? Study them for a while, a new opportunity, you could not see before, just might pop out at you.Have you ever thought about what things you do the best and/or love to do the most? Is there a way to use your talents and abilities in your current position? Or a way to grow into another line of work that you can focus on doing what you love?Wallace Wattles also says: " If you are ever to begin to make ready for the reception of what you want, you must begin now."So what if you do not have the training or education to have the business you would love? Take action now and "begin to make ready for the reception of what you want". Get the training you need, learn what you need to know, start making connections with people who are doing what you want to do.You can not sit back and think it into being. You must take steps toward what you desire - you must take action.

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