Stress has become the most common dilemma of a modern contemporary life. The prevalence of emotional, mental, physical and social pressures, developing with everyday hassles of expectations around performance, has risen to its greatest degree ever in history. The lives of most individuals living in this fast-paced world have become more complex and demanding than ever. It leads to feelings of overwhelm and responses like agitation, frustration, depression, irritability etc causing an overall deterioration of the quality of life.
Let's make it clear that one's perception of whether brainwave entrainment works or not can greatly vary, depending on their expectations. Some may have read that brainwave entrainment audios will alleviate pain or anxiety, and others that it is going to bring them to a deep level of relaxation, greatly enhancing their meditation practice. Both statements may be true if we undertake a structured approach to exploring the topic.
You know what music is? God's little reminder that there's something else besides us in this universe; harmonic connection between all living beings, every where, even the stars...The music is all around you, all you have to do is listen." All physical matter is in a state of vibration. Most of us don't perceive the vibratory reality of the universe, or hear the sound. But it is there nonetheless. Those who have perceived this vibratory reality have called it by various names. Some call this primordial music of the universe the "music of the spheres". Some call it "Aum" or "Om" and try to align themselves with it by years of meditation practice. Others call it shabd or audible life stream, the song Divine, the Word of God through which and by which all things were created.The one truth behind the many different religions is that of "hearing" (not necessarily with the physical ears) the cosmic sound and following it back to the Source. A truly happy, meaningful life is the result of focusing our energy on the cosmic sound of music while living our lives on earth. This is the same as living our lives on earth while our mind is tuned into a higher level of consciousness than that of our normal day to day mindset. From this level of higher consciousness (divine consciousness, cosmic consciousness, Christ consciousness, Messiah consciousness) where we are in tune with the inner music we naturally flow in tune with the eternal love (deeper than mere human emotional love), and wisdom (intuitive guidance), and our life reflects the unique musical song we are at the core of our being. This inner music, sound current, energy, or vibration is the source of a truly spiritual life of which religious superiority or mere ethical living is a cheesy imitation (but that is another subject).
Scientists have found out that all these states of the mind can be measured, as one emanates certain brainwave patterns, easily detected with an EEG (encephalograph). The alpha brainwave patterns are the ones associated with physical and mental relaxation, while beta brainwaves are emitted during our usual state of alertness throughout the day. Theta brainwaves occur in a state of meditation, while delta brainwave patterns are the ones emanated by our brains during deep sleep. All these have the corresponding frequency, measured in pulses per second; i.e. alpha ranges between eight and twelve pulses per second (Hz), beta ranges between twelve and thirty pulses per second, etc.
A Bit of Science.What brainwave entrainment claims to do is that it can, with the help of specifically designed audios (recently visual materials have been introduced, too) bring the brain to one of these specific states (alpha, beta, theta, etc.). Once the brain is brought to that state, the person reaps the benefits associated with it; to illustrate, it has been medically and scientifically proven that deep sleep triggers growth and body healing. It is quite logical, too, as otherwise our bodies would not have been 'constructed' with the natural need to fall into sleep for at least a couple of hours every single night. What this all means is that brainwave entrainment does not 'magically' make you more relaxed or more creative, or heal your migraine.
If you manage to bring yourself to a certain state, without the use of the equipment, then you will definitely reap the benefits, associated with it. Consequently, if you are able to bring yourself to a level of deep meditation without the use of brainwave entrainment, then without doubt you will start seeing the positive changes in your life that this practice offers (we will not go into the details of what these are right now). Of course, just like the need to take your portion of sleep each and every night, you would have to repeat the practice on regular basis in order for it to have any significant effect on you, and same goes for listening to brainwave entrainment audios.
As for brainwave music being dull and monotonous it depends upon your mental state when listening to the music. When your mind is in a hurry and in a distracted, scattered condition more than likely brainwave music will seem very boring and monotonous, long and drawn-out. But if you get over these "withdrawal symptoms" of your day to day frenzied mindset your brain will start to adjust to the new audio energy and in time it will become relaxing, as well as something to look forward to listen to each day.Furthermore, when listening to some brainwave recordings for the first time some people may not only feel uncomfortable, but may even experience temporary headaches or tearing eyes. This is normal and not a danger. Some people are always very tensed-up and rarely ever experience a relaxed mental state. As a result they may feel some slight discomfort such as headaches when they physically relax and "let go". It's this sudden release and relief that causes a slight headache or tearing. These side-effects are only temporary and usually go away the next time you listen to brainwave entrainment recordings because your brain builds new neural pathways to accommodate the new incoming brainwave audio energy. For most other people, once your brain waves slow down to Alpha, you'll naturally feel very relaxed and peaceful, deep down inside. Ultimately, depending upon the musical tastes of each individual, one type of music may affect one person in one way, and affect another person in a different way. What may free one person mentally and emotionally, may depress someone else, or be completely meaningless and boring to another. While some music may free one person to the point of giving them an out of body experience, and/or to the point of enhancing their dreams at night and making them more lucid, and also transforming them into a more loving, gentle person; to another person certain music/beats may serve to stir up subconscious "junk" and previous bad memories which need to be dealt with and healed. Everyone's brain is wired differently so it is unpredictable exactly how certain music, sounds, beats or frequencies will affect each individual. Some may be led to astral heights after listening to just one recording. Whereas for another person listening to the same recording, nothing may happen until after they listen to the same recording for 25 minutes to an hour a day for a few weeks. It comes down to being patient, prepared and receptive in consciousness, not in a hurry, not in a rush, but in a relaxed, receptive, humble frame of heart and mind.
To wrap it up, brainwave entrainment MP3s offer a modern, practical way for people to experience things that were once only preserved for certain groups of individuals. It is up to the user for these, though, to further research the various audios and products available out there and to clearly set their goals. Different brainwaves produce different results, and this is why products would be designed in various ways, too. Some bring you to alpha, others go all the way down to delta... It is up to you which realms of your brain you wish to explore... So, anyways, how far exactly do you see brainwave entrainment taking you?
Let's make it clear that one's perception of whether brainwave entrainment works or not can greatly vary, depending on their expectations. Some may have read that brainwave entrainment audios will alleviate pain or anxiety, and others that it is going to bring them to a deep level of relaxation, greatly enhancing their meditation practice. Both statements may be true if we undertake a structured approach to exploring the topic.
You know what music is? God's little reminder that there's something else besides us in this universe; harmonic connection between all living beings, every where, even the stars...The music is all around you, all you have to do is listen." All physical matter is in a state of vibration. Most of us don't perceive the vibratory reality of the universe, or hear the sound. But it is there nonetheless. Those who have perceived this vibratory reality have called it by various names. Some call this primordial music of the universe the "music of the spheres". Some call it "Aum" or "Om" and try to align themselves with it by years of meditation practice. Others call it shabd or audible life stream, the song Divine, the Word of God through which and by which all things were created.The one truth behind the many different religions is that of "hearing" (not necessarily with the physical ears) the cosmic sound and following it back to the Source. A truly happy, meaningful life is the result of focusing our energy on the cosmic sound of music while living our lives on earth. This is the same as living our lives on earth while our mind is tuned into a higher level of consciousness than that of our normal day to day mindset. From this level of higher consciousness (divine consciousness, cosmic consciousness, Christ consciousness, Messiah consciousness) where we are in tune with the inner music we naturally flow in tune with the eternal love (deeper than mere human emotional love), and wisdom (intuitive guidance), and our life reflects the unique musical song we are at the core of our being. This inner music, sound current, energy, or vibration is the source of a truly spiritual life of which religious superiority or mere ethical living is a cheesy imitation (but that is another subject).
Scientists have found out that all these states of the mind can be measured, as one emanates certain brainwave patterns, easily detected with an EEG (encephalograph). The alpha brainwave patterns are the ones associated with physical and mental relaxation, while beta brainwaves are emitted during our usual state of alertness throughout the day. Theta brainwaves occur in a state of meditation, while delta brainwave patterns are the ones emanated by our brains during deep sleep. All these have the corresponding frequency, measured in pulses per second; i.e. alpha ranges between eight and twelve pulses per second (Hz), beta ranges between twelve and thirty pulses per second, etc.
A Bit of Science.What brainwave entrainment claims to do is that it can, with the help of specifically designed audios (recently visual materials have been introduced, too) bring the brain to one of these specific states (alpha, beta, theta, etc.). Once the brain is brought to that state, the person reaps the benefits associated with it; to illustrate, it has been medically and scientifically proven that deep sleep triggers growth and body healing. It is quite logical, too, as otherwise our bodies would not have been 'constructed' with the natural need to fall into sleep for at least a couple of hours every single night. What this all means is that brainwave entrainment does not 'magically' make you more relaxed or more creative, or heal your migraine.
If you manage to bring yourself to a certain state, without the use of the equipment, then you will definitely reap the benefits, associated with it. Consequently, if you are able to bring yourself to a level of deep meditation without the use of brainwave entrainment, then without doubt you will start seeing the positive changes in your life that this practice offers (we will not go into the details of what these are right now). Of course, just like the need to take your portion of sleep each and every night, you would have to repeat the practice on regular basis in order for it to have any significant effect on you, and same goes for listening to brainwave entrainment audios.
As for brainwave music being dull and monotonous it depends upon your mental state when listening to the music. When your mind is in a hurry and in a distracted, scattered condition more than likely brainwave music will seem very boring and monotonous, long and drawn-out. But if you get over these "withdrawal symptoms" of your day to day frenzied mindset your brain will start to adjust to the new audio energy and in time it will become relaxing, as well as something to look forward to listen to each day.Furthermore, when listening to some brainwave recordings for the first time some people may not only feel uncomfortable, but may even experience temporary headaches or tearing eyes. This is normal and not a danger. Some people are always very tensed-up and rarely ever experience a relaxed mental state. As a result they may feel some slight discomfort such as headaches when they physically relax and "let go". It's this sudden release and relief that causes a slight headache or tearing. These side-effects are only temporary and usually go away the next time you listen to brainwave entrainment recordings because your brain builds new neural pathways to accommodate the new incoming brainwave audio energy. For most other people, once your brain waves slow down to Alpha, you'll naturally feel very relaxed and peaceful, deep down inside. Ultimately, depending upon the musical tastes of each individual, one type of music may affect one person in one way, and affect another person in a different way. What may free one person mentally and emotionally, may depress someone else, or be completely meaningless and boring to another. While some music may free one person to the point of giving them an out of body experience, and/or to the point of enhancing their dreams at night and making them more lucid, and also transforming them into a more loving, gentle person; to another person certain music/beats may serve to stir up subconscious "junk" and previous bad memories which need to be dealt with and healed. Everyone's brain is wired differently so it is unpredictable exactly how certain music, sounds, beats or frequencies will affect each individual. Some may be led to astral heights after listening to just one recording. Whereas for another person listening to the same recording, nothing may happen until after they listen to the same recording for 25 minutes to an hour a day for a few weeks. It comes down to being patient, prepared and receptive in consciousness, not in a hurry, not in a rush, but in a relaxed, receptive, humble frame of heart and mind.
To wrap it up, brainwave entrainment MP3s offer a modern, practical way for people to experience things that were once only preserved for certain groups of individuals. It is up to the user for these, though, to further research the various audios and products available out there and to clearly set their goals. Different brainwaves produce different results, and this is why products would be designed in various ways, too. Some bring you to alpha, others go all the way down to delta... It is up to you which realms of your brain you wish to explore... So, anyways, how far exactly do you see brainwave entrainment taking you?
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