The Messages Of A True Coward Baptist Church

By Kenneth Olson

The Baptist church has millions of followers all over the world. True Baptists follow the Great Commission to the letter. According to the Great Commission of Christianity, believers should go out there and make new believers. They should take the gospel to all the four corners of the world. After the gospel reaches the remotest places, the end will come. The Coward Baptist Church is a house of worship. However, it has more than the physical form. That is due to the fact that it also lives in the heart of believers. Therefore, believers should always keep their hearts holy and pure.

There will be the message of the Sunday during a Sunday service. This is a message that the pastor has clearly thought about and researched on. In addition, it will be presented in the most eloquent manner possible. A message is just as good as how it is presented. It must be presented in a way that will foster easy understanding.

Hearing the message is not the end of the road. It is just but one step. One will need to apply what he has heard. A message is just as good as its application. Proper application will improve the life of an individual. It will make it to become better by the end of the day. One should practice his faith.

Of course, the message in question will be biblical in every sense and respect. There is nothing about that message that will deviate from Scripture. The Holy Bible is the number one source of all church messages. That is why a good pastor always has a Bible at hand when he is presenting any kind of message during service.

The number one quality of Scripture is its holiness. As a matter of fact, it is the holiest book on earth. It is a book that is free of vile or any other form evil. As it is commonly said, Scripture never lies. That is the ultimate truth that will never change at any moment in time. It will always remain the case.

The message of holiness is always emphasized. There is no one who will be able to go to heaven without attaining holiness. Leading an unholy life will lead to spending an eternity in hell. Being holy means that one should strive to live a life that is free of all manner of sins. A sinful person will need to repent.

Holiness will start at the point of accepting that one is a sinner. Of course, everyone on earth is born with original sin. This is the sin that was passed down from Adam and Eve. There is the need to be cleansed of this sin and the other types of sin. That will involve repentance and the process of Baptism.

The good messages of Christianity need to be preached to all and sundry. The whole world should know about these messages. It is only a person who has heard the good message that is able to take the right path of life that leads to eternal life. Beautiful are the feet that preach the great Biblical messages far and wide.

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