Why Engaging A Creative Addiction Recovery Therapist Offers The Best Results

By Elsa Noel

Addictions relapse after treatment because they are not addressed conclusively. The relapse is more dangerous and difficult to deal with. Visiting a creative addiction recovery therapist provides treatment that is reliable and one whose results are more rewarding and long lasting. Art appeals to an inner self leading to a genuine desire to change your lifestyle.

Creative therapy works through the principle of replacement. Engaging addicts in something more beneficial and rewarding helps them to drop the negative attachment. The pleasure derived from constructive activities pushes the undesirable activities away. Trained therapists will accompany them through the motions to ensure that desired results are achieved.

Art is very expressive and offers a perfect and reliable solution. This helps to boost self esteem by appealing to your authentic self. It gives you a new identity beyond offering new experiences that will transform your personality and life in general. A person has something practical and rewarding to hold on as he exits the addictive world. Dropping the addiction thus becomes easier.

Therapies are characterized by painful emotional patterns and behavioral changes. A creative approach gives as much satisfaction without confining the patient to a routine. It makes it easier to adapt the new lifestyle. The results are physical and rewarding. It is therefore termed as a more practical approach to different forms of addictions.

The artistic options available for addicts include poetry, drama, music, dance and painting. The choice of the form of art to pursue depends on the patient. Dance utilizes body movement and is very expressive. This appeals to your inner being and in the process ignites the desire to change. The rewards at physical and psychological level make it easier to use this approach.

Drama is a perfect channel especially when dealing with groups. Role play helps the addicts to identify with their behavior and actions when under influence. The actor corrects his behavior by enacting it in a drama. This will appeal to his inner self and instincts, a process that will awaken the desire to change.

Therapists have a number of options if they decide to use music. Addicts can choose instrumentation, group acts or individuals performance. The expressive nature of music comes with incredible rewards to the body and soul. It takes time to rehearse and offers visible rewards which push you away from addictive tendencies.

Drumming provides another musical therapy option for addicts. Research has shown that it helps to correct brain wave cycles by slowing them down. This process is especially helpful to patients whose conditions have affected brain activity. Drumming helps with coordination which is important in strengthening various body parts and synchronizing body activity.

Poetry offers multiple options to act as a writer or to recite pieces that are already written. This is an effective way to support inner growth and healing. The genre requires use of memory and creativity to compose a poem or set up a performance. Engaging the brain brings it back to life while the commitment and expressive nature of recitals raises self esteem leading to faster and more effective healing.

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