Find Out The Simple Way Of Self Realization Actualization

By Gloria Mason

There are a number of things that normally hinder people from self realization actualization. These are stuff folks have to know so as make realization a possibility. The things almost everyone does on daily basis are the same ones that act as impediments.

It is normal for people to identify with certain thoughts. Occasionally, this identity presents potential trouble. Occasionally, folks develop very strong identity with such thoughts that the ideas define these people. This deep internalization of the ideas makes people focus on what the outcome will do to them. Questions like, will the results hurt them, make the look good or will it actually make them better crosses their minds frequently. The focus of the attention shifts to the individual and not the for the benefit of all. This actually results in development of worries, fear, arrogance as well as ignorance. This keeps them from being enlightened and makes them develop stress.

Even when folks go out in quest to actualize self-realization, they commonly approach it from a perspective of satisfying their egos. This occurs over and over again, even when they know that this is the root cause of problems. Too often, people usually associate these thoughts with spirituality and see them as spiritual phenomena. However, it really does not matter whether a person perceives them as supernatural revelation. The moment a person develops such line of thought, they will end up in conflict with colleagues around them, whether or not the thought was of spiritual origin.

Dropping the sense of separate and special existence is one of the ways one can actualize self realization. This sense can almost be regarded as individualism. Letting go of this sense broadens your vision past your ego. However, for this to happen, folks have rid their minds off all thoughts, reorganize them, and finally broaden their vision past the thoughts they have. Following these steps will increase your awareness to the surroundings you are in, and broaden your view of things.

The new thought process a person develops after successfully following the steps is not rigid. This process also lacks restrictions and boundaries. Furthermore, it also gives betters a person by making more aware about themselves and also improves how they see themselves. You comprehend you environment better. It also brings internal peace which is the first step in self realization.

What follows next is normally further cementing the newly received consciousness. Focus your attention and thoughts on making yourself aware you are really conscious. As you go forward, approach life from this point of view. You should try very much to enjoy the entire experience.

Doing that gives the true you real power. Consistent and steadily growing attention on this consciousness will see you through. You start breaking self-centered thoughts. Attaining freedom from these thought is not easy. It requires effort to achieve it.

It is very clear that self realization actualization betters performance and satisfaction for every effort made by a person. The oneness you achieve makes radiating this positive energy to others very easy. You become a blessing to the entire humanity.

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